Happy with a Smile

She had her issues
I had mine
I wanted to be in love
She said our path can’t align
She had her issues
I had mine

I had my problems
When short term was in fashion
For long term relation
I had my inclination
Above all
I believed in beauty of soul

To the lord I plead
A companion
That’s all I need
To talk to care to admire
That’s all I desire

What a pity
A poet who lives on emotions
Scribble on paper
Din’t had courage to speak
Aphrodite whispered
Your chances are bleak

I had feeling and desire
She came with
Courage to express
Which I never had prior

She had her issues
I had mine
She had obligation to adhere
For family for clan
She declined
As polite as she can
I respected her before
Now I respect her more

No agony no pain
No tear no rain
I was happy with a smile
As I was freed from exile
What I feel
I can display I can express
Curse was broken
I was free again
No agony no pain

: Shashiprakash saini


  1. Beautifully expressed, Shashiprakash. A simple and eloquent expression of love, perhaps one that was meant to remain in a different form.


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